Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, met with inspectors from Lahore and various other districts at the Central Police Office. During the meeting, the inspectors apprised the IG Punjab of the challenges they face concerning promotions. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar assured the inspectors that their legitimate concerns regarding promotions would be resolved on a priority basis. IG Punjab instructed the Additional IG Punjab and DIG Establishment-I to address the hurdles in the promotion process promptly. He emphasized that Punjab Police adheres to the “No Man Left Behind” policy regarding the career progression of its personnel. He further said that officials meeting the criteria of seniority, merit, and rules are being promoted immediately. Additionally, paperless working is being promoted, and ACRs (Annual Confidential Reports) are being completed in a timely manner under the Human Resource Management System. Dr. Usman Anwar highlighted that the digitized e-FOAS system has been implemented for issuing promotion notifications and the year 2025, God willing, will prove to be a year of promotions. He added that digital technology is being employed to ensure transparency in recruitment, promotions, and postings. This has enhanced the trust of the force in the transparency-driven service and promotion structure, as well as the Human Resource Management and e-FOAS system.
(The Business)