DG AEC directs to launch crack down against officers ,involved in hiring private persons for official business



Attock : Mr . Sohail Zafar Chatta Director General Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) Department Punjab has directed regional directors and all circles officers of the province including District Attock comply with orders of Lahore High Court Bahawalpur Bench and launch crack down besides initiating legal proceedings against revenue officers and Patwaris found involved in hiring the services of private persons for the performance of their official duties. The anti-corruption officers were also directed to file their weekly report to the Head quarters. The well placed sources of Anti Corruption Establishment Department Punjab told that it was also pointed out that despite the issuance of directions by the LHC, Bahawalpur bench, the practice of hiring the services of private persons for the performance of official duties was continues and complaints were being received from the general public in particular. According to the letter, the authority has taken serious notice of this practice and issued directions to ensure the compliance of above-mentioned order in letter and spirit under intimation to this HQ. ACE Director General, Mr. Sohail Zafar Chatta ordered the regional directors to send reports to the headquarters office every week regarding the implementation of the court decision. It should be noted that Lahore High Court Bahawalpur Bench while passing judgment on the petition filed by Rafiq Ahmed ordered that the ACE DG should take legal action against those Patwaris who were hiring private persons to carry out their government affairs. Consequently, the Board of Revenue, Punjab issued directions to all Deputy Commissioners in Punjab to ensure that no private person/munshi are working in Patwar Khana. If they find guilty of a violation of the above orders/instructions, the concerned revenue officer would be responsible. The office will take disciplinary action against him along with penal action against the concerned Mushi / private person


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